REMARK Release Notice REMARK This file, and all files referenced herein that are not contributed by REMARK someone else, are unequivocably placed in the public domain. Be mindful REMARK that we use code, libraries, and information contributed by others, and REMARK they may not have released their work into the public domain. Our REMARK goal is to release our own work, not inadvertantly place someone else's REMARK in the public domain. REMARK If you use, modify, redistribute, or publish anything in this file or based REMARK on this work, we ask that you follow good scholarly practice and: REMARK 1. cite the software system and file, or database and accession number, REMARK as relevant, in all files or data you redistribute; REMARK 2. reference the most current URL and archival publication for this work, REMARK which will always be found at REMARK, REMARK in your package, database, redistribution, or publication; REMARK 3. record all your modifications to this file in a new file that REMARK preserves this message and authorship information, contains your REMARK authorship information and code or data, and is named with a name REMARK different from this file's name. REMARK The suitability of this work for any purpose is neither expressed nor implied. Use REMARK it at your own risk! REMARK Why we release knowledge this way is explained at REMARK REMARK Toni Kazic, February 28, 2002 COMPNDStr1 REMARK [C](=[O])([O-])[CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2]/[CH]=[CH]\[CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH3] ATOM 1 C 1 9.797 -0.460 -0.437 ATOM 2 O 1 10.814 0.028 0.027 ATOM 3 O 1 9.874 -1.378 -1.311 ATOM 4 C 1 8.445 0.028 0.027 ATOM 5 C 1 7.347 -0.741 -0.705 ATOM 6 C 1 5.979 -0.248 -0.236 ATOM 7 C 1 4.881 -1.017 -0.968 ATOM 8 C 1 3.513 -0.524 -0.498 ATOM 9 C 1 2.415 -1.293 -1.230 ATOM 10 C 1 1.047 -0.799 -0.761 ATOM 11 C 1 -0.038 -1.560 -1.484 ATOM 12 C 1 -1.327 -1.293 -1.230 ATOM 13 C 1 -1.693 -0.232 -0.220 ATOM 14 C 1 -3.214 -0.127 -0.121 ATOM 15 C 1 -3.585 0.947 0.901 ATOM 16 C 1 -5.106 1.052 1.001 ATOM 17 C 1 -5.477 2.126 2.022 ATOM 18 C 1 -6.998 2.231 2.122 ATOM 19 C 1 -7.369 3.304 3.144 ATOM 20 C 1 -8.888 3.409 3.243 ATOM 21 H 1 8.349 1.090 -0.189 ATOM 22 H 1 8.349 -0.134 1.098 ATOM 23 H 1 7.443 -1.804 -0.490 ATOM 24 H 1 7.443 -0.579 -1.777 ATOM 25 H 1 5.883 0.814 -0.451 ATOM 26 H 1 5.883 -0.410 0.836 ATOM 27 H 1 4.977 -2.079 -0.752 ATOM 28 H 1 4.977 -0.855 -2.039 ATOM 29 H 1 3.417 0.539 -0.714 ATOM 30 H 1 3.417 -0.686 0.573 ATOM 31 H 1 2.511 -2.355 -1.015 ATOM 32 H 1 2.511 -1.131 -2.302 ATOM 33 H 1 0.951 0.263 -0.976 ATOM 34 H 1 0.951 -0.962 0.311 ATOM 35 H 1 0.224 -2.319 -2.206 ATOM 36 H 1 -2.103 -1.837 -1.748 ATOM 37 H 1 -1.283 -0.499 0.751 ATOM 38 H 1 -1.283 0.726 -0.536 ATOM 39 H 1 -3.624 0.140 -1.093 ATOM 40 H 1 -3.624 -1.084 0.195 ATOM 41 H 1 -3.175 0.680 1.873 ATOM 42 H 1 -3.175 1.904 0.586 ATOM 43 H 1 -5.516 1.319 0.029 ATOM 44 H 1 -5.516 0.094 1.316 ATOM 45 H 1 -5.067 1.858 2.994 ATOM 46 H 1 -5.067 3.083 1.707 ATOM 47 H 1 -7.407 2.498 1.150 ATOM 48 H 1 -7.407 1.273 2.437 ATOM 49 H 1 -6.959 3.037 4.116 ATOM 50 H 1 -6.959 4.262 2.828 ATOM 51 H 1 -9.152 4.174 3.971 ATOM 52 H 1 -9.297 3.676 2.271 ATOM 53 H 1 -9.297 2.452 3.559 TER CONECT 1 2 3 4 0 CONECT 2 1 0 0 0 CONECT 3 1 0 0 0 CONECT 4 1 5 21 22 CONECT 5 4 6 23 24 CONECT 6 5 7 25 26 CONECT 7 6 8 27 28 CONECT 8 7 9 29 30 CONECT 9 8 10 31 32 CONECT 10 9 11 33 34 CONECT 11 10 12 35 0 CONECT 12 11 13 36 0 CONECT 13 12 14 37 38 CONECT 14 13 15 39 40 CONECT 15 14 16 41 42 CONECT 16 15 17 43 44 CONECT 17 16 18 45 46 CONECT 18 17 19 47 48 CONECT 19 18 20 49 50 CONECT 20 19 51 52 53 #!rasmol -rsm file # Creator: RasTop Version 2.0.3 - Copyright (C) Philippe Valadon 2000-2003 zap set connect on load pdb inline set title acide_oleique # Colour details background [0,0,0] set backfade off set headlight default set ambient 40 set specular off set shadepower 50 set depthcue off set shadow off stereo off # Transformation reset rotate molecule set picking ident set worlddepth 6928 # zoom 100.00 scale 27.71 position x 0.000 y 0.000 z 0.000 # Rendering set axes off set boundingbox off set unitcell off set bonds off set bondmode and dots off # Avoid Colour Problems! select all colour bonds none colour backbone none colour hbonds none colour ssbonds none colour ribbons none colour white # Atoms select atomno=1 colour atoms [100,100,100] select (atomno>=2) and (atomno<=3) colour atoms [240,0,0] select (atomno>=4) and (atomno<=20) colour atoms [100,100,100] select (atomno>=21) and (atomno<=53) colour atoms [255,255,255] select all spacefill 120 set shadow off # Bonds wireframe 40 # Ribbons ribbons off # Backbone backbone off # Labels labels off # Monitors monitors off # ssbonds ssbonds off # hbonds hbonds off # Dots set solvent false set radius 0 set dots 1 dots off # AtomSets # no sets select all # World Transformation rotate world centre origin set axes world off rotate world x 91.20 rotate world y 1.29 rotate world z -3.34 position world x 0.000 y 0.000 reset slab slab off reset depth depth off molecule 1 centre molecule exit